Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Laser Tattoo Removal 12th Post

Hi, sorry for lack of posts, I have had another two treatments since my last posting so 7 in total, one additional in November and then again in February this year, and am leaving 10 weeks in between each treatment now.  It has been over a year since I have started having the treatments and still feel there is a quite a long way to go, at least 8 or 10 more treatments.  Getting quite good fading, but still prominent.  Living in the US at the moment and thinking about having an R20 session where they zap it 4 times in a row with a 20 min gap between each.  Apparently this technique gives better fading without any additional scarring.  Will try and book in the next few weeks as it has been about 8-9 weeks since my last treatment back in February.

This was taken in December about 3 weeks after my 6th treatment in November:

This was taken on the 13th February about a week after my 7th treatment:

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